CM Bait Boat Building Kit XXL Li-Ion

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CM Bait Boat Building Kit XXL 2.4 Ghz complete Set

With this boat we have developed a bait boat, a milestone of the other manufacturers can measure, of course, completely "hand build in Germany".

The hull is drawn exclusively for us in Germany. We use only high-quality technical components from renowned manufacturers, these guarantee safety, reliability and quiet and smooth running. It will inspire one of these bait boats have to mature. You have the option of including installation (s) to transport up to 4 kg of food in one or two Bait boxes.

Welcome to the Premium class of Bait Boats:


Catamaran hull made of 5 mm or ABS in black 3D carbon design, 61x41x20 cm, the central shaft lining ensures a perfect focus, dreamy ride is guaranteed.

Drive unit:

2 ball bearing shafts, driven shaft supported by our 655 Industrial Engines "Dirty Devil", speed, power and torque with low fuel consumption and long service life.

Remote Control:

Jamara latest and most advanced 6 channel radio technology with a large LCD display, 2.4 Ghz Digtal, maximum control and security for your boat. Reach min. 1000m.

Lighting system:

Remote controlled LED lights.

Bait Boxes:

Big boxes with either once with 4l (40x10cm) or divided into 2 chambers with 2 x 2l (one behind the other and separately controllable).

Battery technology:

Lead acid batteries with a total of 9,000 mAh

Battery monitoring:

Digital blue illuminated power indicator on the boat for optimum supervision of the board voltage. Release Coupling: Each boat is equipped with 1 release coupling.

All Boats can be equipped with Toslon Fishfinders (Toslon TF500, Toslon TF640, Toslon TF650) as optional.


  • Bait boat Building Kit "Carp Madness XXL Li-Ion"
  • Bait Boxes 1 - or 2-piece
  • Circulating dimmable xenon lighting system
  • 1 release coupling
  • 6-channel 2.4GHz radio system with large display
  • soft carrying case
  • 2 x Li-Ion Batteries total capacity 26.000mAh
  • 1 Li-Ion Chargers
  • Manual

Optionally available:

  • Bait Box 1 or 2 pcs
  • Toslon Fishfinders (Toslon TF500, Toslon TF640, Toslon TF650)
  • Autopilot for bait boats - Toslon X-Pilot

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