Toslon TF650 (3D mapping)

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TOSLON TF650 (3D Mapping)

TF650 can create 3D map of water bottom (lake, river, etc ) with Reefmaster mapping software.

Are you curious what’s the bottom shape under the water? Simply drive the bait boat (with TF650) across it and you can create a live 3D map of the water area.

TOSLON TF650 provides a perfect solution for users to do that by combining the sonar tech and GPS data into hydrographic maps. TF650 (with a bait boat) collects depth data and transmit them to your laptop / PC by a transmitter. Then with the Reefmaster map software you will create the 3D map on your laptop / PC.

TOSLON TF650 let anglers precisely know the water bottom shape, which will help them easily find new fishing spots. And it also can be used by industrial or commercial customers, like hydrologic exploration company, dredging companies, etc.

A complete TF650 system includes the following components:
    1 TF650 display
    1 GPS receiver(compass inside))
    1 Transmitter(Skipper600 sonar Hub/115KHz)
    1 Transducer
    1 Cable for connection to laptop / PC
    2.4G antenna / 6DB
    2.4G antenna / 2.5DB

Video instruction
    1).A video instruction of how TF650 work.
    2).TF650 export the data in NMEA0183 format, the data port interface is standard RS232 signal. So, you could import the data to your computer with any serial commutating software


GPS and RFGPS Position AccurancyCEP(circular error probability): 2.5m
Field test position accuracy: 1m
Waypoint storage500
Radio frequqncy2.4GhHz
RF Range300m(1000ft)
RF channels20
Speed of boatyes
Longitude and latitudeyes
Satallite50 Channel
Update rate: 1 second
Hot start<1 second(open sky)
Cold start<48 second(open sky)
SonarSonar frequency455kHz
Depth capability80ft
Sonar coverage35degree
CompassCompass built in GPS receiveryes
Compass built in displayyes
compass calibration functionyes
CommunicationData PortNEMA 0183 Data Port
Baud Rate:4800/9600/38400/115200Bps, (Default: 115200Bps)
Upadate Rate:1Hz
PC Software:Reefmaster Professonal
PowerPower supply of display6~12v lithium battery or 8*AA battery
Power supply of controling boxPowered by bait boat battery
DC 6~12v / 2.0w (lithium battery or 8*AA battery)
DisplayDisplay Size4.3"TFT LCD; Sunlight Viewable
Resolution480*272Pixels;  65,536 color
Technical and casingSonar unit size153 x110 x 44mm
Portable case size262 x 150 x 98mm
GPS receiver cable length1.0m
Transducer cable length0.5m
Operational temperature-10°C ~ 50°C

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